Meet our Director
Chris Helton
Chris Helton has been married to his wife Kelly for 24 years. They have been blessed with 4 children and 5 grandchildren. After completing his Bachelor’s degree at Liberty University he has served in several areas of ministry. He enjoys getting to know people and helping them secure employment while sharing Christ and the hope of the gospel.
Hours of Operation
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 11:30-3:30p
Wednesday: 9-3:30p
Thursday: 9-3:30p
Friday-Sunday: Closed
1103 Broadway Street
Anderson, IN 46012
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Statement of Faith
We accept as true GOD EXISTS (Exodus 3:14)
We believe there is One (Deuteronomy 6:4), all knowing (Daniel 2:21-22), all powerful (Isaiah 40:25-28), ever present (Psalm 139:7-10), creator (Genesis1:1) of the universe who transcends time (2 Timothy 1:9).
He is Wise (Romans 11:33-36), Faithful (1Thessalonians 5:24), Merciful (Psalm 145:8), Just (1 John 1:9), Righteous (2 Chronicles 12:6), Holy (Psalm 99:1-3), True (John 17:3), Love (1 John 4:8), Unchanging (James 1:17), Sovereign (1 Timothy 6:15), Eternal (Isaiah 9:6) and Good (Exodus 33:19).
We accept, as true, THE HOLY SCRIPTURES
We believe both Old and New Testament (66 books) are verbally and equally inspired by God. It is our final authority for faith and practice. (Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32; Revelation 22:18-19)
Infallible and non-contradictory (John 17:17; Hebrew 6:18; John 10:35; 2 Timothy 3:16)
Inerrant in the original manuscripts – (2 Peter 1:21)
We accept as true GOD THE FATHER
The TRIUNE GOD (John 14-16, 2 Corinthians 13:14, Matthew 28:19)
God the Father (Matthew 6:9)
God the Son (John 5:26)
God the Holy Spirit (Acts5:3-4)
Equal in nature or essence and worthy of honor, praise and glory
Distinctions in function (John 3:35, John 15:26)
Co-Equal, Co-Substantial. Co-Eternal
100% God (John10:30) 100% Man (Luke 2:5, 12, 40, 52) Fully God and fully man
Born of a virgin (Matthew 1:22-23) and lived a sinless life (1 Peter 2:22)
Crucified, died and was buried (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
Propitiation for the sin of humanity (1 John 2:2)
Bodily resurrection on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:5)
Will return to earth to take His rightful place on the throne of David as ‘King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” (Acts 1:11, Revelation 1:7, Luke 1:32-33, Revelation 19:16)
We accept as true GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT
Possessing all the attributes of Deity, He is called God (Acts 5:1-10)
Helper / Comforter (John 14:16)
We accept as true the NATURE OF MAN
Created in innocence (Genesis 1:27)
Voluntarily disobeyed and became a law breaker or sinner (Genesis 3)
Through Adam all humanity inherited the sin nature (Ephesians 2:1-3; Romans 5:12, 19)
All men and women are unrighteous and inclined to evil (Romans 3:11, Psalms 40:12)
All men and women are under condemnation and without excuse (Romans 1:9, 20, 2:1, 12 – 15, 3:9-20, 23)
Salvation is a gift from God (Ephesians 2:8-9)
The Grace of God exists outside of time and independent of any cause and effect (2 Timothy1:9)
Repentance is a gift (Acts 11:18, 2 Timothy 2:25)
Justification is a gift (Titus 3:7)
Glorification is a gift (Romans 8:17,30)
For those He has chosen (Ephesians 1:3-14)
Preserved by God (Philippians 1:6)